The conference will be held at the Lebada Luxury Resort & Spa, situated in the heart of Danube Delta, Crisan, Romania.

How to reach the location

For those traveling by conference bus

The organizers arranged the following bus schedule from Bucharest (Constitution Square – Piața Constituției, București 051521, Plus code C3GR+WJ) to Murighiol, Tulcea.

  • Sunday 16th of June, departure at 7:00 a.m.
  • Sunday, 16th of June, departure at 12:00 a.m.
  • Monday, 17th of June, departure at 12:00 a.m.

Be sure you arrive at the meeting point half an hour before the departure time, since the tight schedule of the boats does not allow delays. Persons from LOC with ICLPR-ST LOGO will be on location half an hour in advance the departure time to welcome you and indicate the Conference bus. Please be prepared as the travel by bus takes approximately 6 hours (short stops included).

On the way back from Lebada resort, the boats for those traveling by bus will depart starting 13:00.

For those who arranged their own transportation

You should also arrive in Murighiol, Tulcea. Travel by own car takes approximately 4.5 -5 h from Bucharest, depending on traffic.

The parking of Lebada Luxury Resort and Spa is located opposite the Blue Lagoon, near Puflene Resort.

You can find the parking lot using:

➢ Google Maps enter the plus code. 25QJ+CJ Murighiol

➢ Waze: Enter: “Parking Lebada Luxury Resort and Spa”.

We pre-reserved boats according to the following schedule:

*Departures Murighiol

Arrivals Lebada Resort

Departures Lebada Resort

*Arrivals Murighiol













You should inform the organizers on the chosen hour for the boats departing from Murighiol by 10th of June, and at least 1 day in advance when you decide to take the boat back.

Parking is available to ICLPR-ST participants free of charge, supervised 24/24 human and video. In order to benefit of it, please have a A5 paper with the conference logo visible in your car. You can download it from the conference webpage

There are two conference Halls allocated to our event, namely the Danube Pride Hall and the New York Hall. Please get acquainted with the map of the location in order to reach your Conference Hall of interest.




The registration desk will be situated in front of New York Hall, in the vicinity of the resort reception. The conference materials are distributed to all conference participants (except of accompanying persons), regardless their choice for one or multiple events.

Registration desk will be open according to the following schedule:

  • Sunday from 15:30 – 18:30
  • Monday from   8:30 – 18:30
  • Tuesday from   8:30 – 16:30
  • Friday from   8:30 – 14:30.

Outside these hours you may get information from the organizers, recognizable by their yellow lanyards.



The breakfast takes place daily from 7:00 – 8:30 in Danube pride restaurant situated at ground floor.

The location and duration of each lunch/dinner is indicated in the programme and will be posted as well on the Registration desk.

The social program of the conference includes:

  • A WELCOME COCKTAIL, Monday, 17th of June, at CHERHANA restaurant, starting 20:00
  • EXCURSION to your chosen destinations, namely LETEA FOREST, which is the northernmost subtropical forest in Europe, or to the oldest branch of the Danube, SFÂNTU GHEORGHE, where the Danube flows into the Black Sea for those registered for the event. The meeting point for excursion is on departure quay starting at 15:00, and the departure time is set at 15:30. Each excursion takes approximately 3 hours.
  • The CONFERENCE DINNER will take place at Danube Pride restaurant, starting 20:00.
  • Closing Ceremony Awards

Lebăda Luxury Resort & SPA