Following the successful 1st edition in 2022, we are pleased to announce the second edition of The International Conference on Laser, Plasma and Radiation – Science and Technology (ICLPR-ST), which is organized by INFLPR in partnership with Laser Plasma and Radiation – Science and Technology Association, between June 16-21, 2024, in the magnificent scenery of the Danube Delta, Romania.
Our aim is to bring together leading experts, researchers and students working in the fields of lasers, plasma, and radiation physics, thus providing a unique complementary and interdisciplinary environment for sharing and discussing the latest scientific and technological developments. The programme will combine the scientific presentations organized as plenary and invited lectures, as well as oral and poster contributions with social activities, promoting active exchange of ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.
The conference will accommodate a workshop devoted to academic-industry collaborations, where scientific researchers and industrial engineers will present their success stories in terms of technological transfer and new product development. Discussions about protection of intellectual property and the perspectives enabled by the implementation of new emerging solutions in companies will take place during the meeting.
A summer school is also planned prior to the conference in the same location, and we warmly welcome students, young researchers and anyone interested in revisiting the fascinating world of lasers, plasma and radiation, guided by renowned scientists in these research areas.
We look forward to welcoming you at ICLPR-ST and the associated LPR-ST school.
Chairs of the ICLPR-ST